Kris and a hempcrete wall

Kris and a hempcrete wall

Kris Bailey


Kris has been working as a carpenter and builder since graduating from the Algonquin College Heritage Carpentry Program in 2001. Founding Dwellings Design-Build in 2005 has allowed him to focus on timber work, natural building techniques, and hone the craft of project management. Since 2012 he has been on the board of directors of the Ontario Natural Builders Co-aliton (an organization that promotes the use of natural materials).

Dwellings has been blessed with a small, but very dedicated and very talented crew that has only changed slowly over the years as people move on, or situations change. This is a shout out to everyone and their hard work! Thank you for all the sweat, and a little bit of blood and tears! (sorry to the few people who didn’t make the collage, photo shy I guess). Also a few homeowners made the cut, we couldn’t do it without you!